What is Feminine Power?
Based on the groundbreaking research of Dr. Claire Zammit in transformational learning, human potential and women’s empowerment, Feminine Power is a unique set of frameworks, principles and practices designed especially to help smart, conscious, gifted women realize their full potential and contribute their gifts at the highest level.
Something historic and unprecedented is happening. Millions of women are leading a new stage of evolution: the shift from achievement to self-actualization.
You know you’re a part of this historic and world-changing group, because deep down you feel an impulse to realize the much bigger possibilities of your life…
You don’t just want to survive. Nor do you want to achieve for achievement’s sake—even though you know you deserve to make a prosperous living and have a successful life!
You sense you have greatness within you, and you feel a deep yearning to become all you can be.
Claire calls this yearning the impulse to realize your DESTINY.
It’s the destiny of an acorn to become an oak tree.
It’s the destiny of a rose seed to become a rose.
Your destiny is to create an outer life that reflects the core coded blueprint for greatness you came into this world to manifest.
Self-actualizing women don’t simply want to succeed where men have succeeded, nor do we want to go back to traditional female roles of staying home and raising a family.
Combining these two into some elusive “work-life balance” doesn’t cut it for many of us, either. For the first time in human history, women en masse have the freedom to connect with their deepest yearnings—for creative fulfillment, for love, for authentic self-confidence, and for making a meaningful impact…
We are aligning with a NEW NORTH STAR—Self-Actualization.
We want to become authentically confident and visible, and to create loving, growth-oriented relationships, and to discover our purpose.
We want to feel at home, healthy and vital in our bodies, and to create prosperous careers aligned with our values.
We want to manifest our desires for fun, adventure and play, and to awaken spiritually.
And we want to unlock our gifts and genius, and meaningfully contribute to making the world a better place.
In short, we want to fully become the women we were born to be, and create a world that reflects our values.
So, why is it that in spite of all our accomplishments and skills, we brilliant smart, gifted women still struggle to realize our potential?
Most of us feel like our struggles to fulfill those potentials and get our gifts out into the world are the result of some kind of personal failure.
One key insight Claire discovered in her research is that your challenges and struggles aren’t personal at all.
They have less to do with your personal shortfalls and more to do with the system of power we’ve grown up in and are surrounded by in our culture.
Did you know that when you look up the word “power” in the dictionary, you’ll see it defined as “to do, to act, to accomplish, to make things happen,” and even: “to exert force over others!”
The very way we conceive of power in our world culture at large is a Masculine system sourced from logical, linear, strategic thinking.
This kind of power is valuable and useful for a certain set of things.
For anything that is predictable and controllable, anything you can create with a step-by-step plan, the Masculine power system is definitely the way to go!
For the last 50 years, women have been mastering a Masculine system of Power.
The only problem is that the things we’re now most yearning for, such as true love, intimacy, connection, belonging, creativity, self-expression, radiance, aliveness, meaning, contribution, purpose, and a brighter future for generations to come—none of these can be created exclusively with a power system that’s based on control, analysis and logical, linear thinking, nor can they be executed with a step-by-step strategic plan.
For the first time in human history, we’re reaching higher than survival as the goal of life, and even higher than simply achieving success and accomplishing goals.
We don’t want to just have a nice house, a nice car, and be in a soulmate relationship. As wonderful as those things are, we want more.
We’re yearning to realize our higher creative potentials, too—our higher destiny. We want to discover and actualize our gifts in service to something larger than ourselves.
We want to become authentically confident and visible. We want to create loving, growth-oriented relationships. We want to discover our purpose, feel at home, have vitality in our bodies, and create prosperous careers aligned with our values. We want to manifest our desires for fun, adventure and play, and we want to awaken spiritually.
In short, we want to fully become the women we were born to be!
But to do this, we need another system of power—a Feminine system—a system that’s intuitive, creative and magnetic, and that enables us to create those things that can’t be achieved with a step-by-step plan.
When Claire discovered this, she made it her mission and life’s work to give women access to the most powerful tools to accomplish this inside programs designed to awaken their Feminine Power…
And it has totally transformed her own life and the lives of tens of thousands of women around the world.
Making the shift to Feminine Power is the single most important shift every conscious woman who’s called to a larger life can make.
And it’s the KEY to realizing your potentials in these 8 key life areas:

Confidence and Presence—being visible, seen, truly known, and able to show up with authentic confidence as the most actualized version of yourself.
Purpose and Calling—discovering and cultivating unique gifts and genius, and the power to contribute them in ways that ensure they are received and valued.
Love and Relationships—attracting and creating growth-oriented relationships, where you are “met” on all levels (emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually), supported to self-actualize, loved unconditionally, and supported to become the best version of yourself.
Values Aligned Prosperity—expanding prosperity and livelihood by creating a way of making money that is deeply aligned with your values, and having the resources to thrive, prosper and contribute in this life.
Creativity and Self-Expression—manifesting your deepest desires for self-expression, fun and play.
Spirituality and Meditation—deepening your connection to a higher power and engaging in a relationship with an intelligence or energy that is bigger than yourself.
Health and Self Care—feeling at home in your body, being healthy, radiant, feeling vital, and having boundless energy.
Influence and Impact—impacting a greater number of people by uplifting and empowering those around you.
If you’re feeling that there’s another level of your potential, but don’t know how to get there, Feminine Power can show you how to break through your inner glass ceiling and unleash the remarkable gift you can then give to the world.
Claire and her team of certified coaches and facilitators have now trained more women to awaken their Feminine Power than anyone else in the world today, with over 40,000 course graduates and millions more participating in free programs, and they are ready to support you to be next!