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Join Claire’s Coaching Mastery Mentorship Circle

The Coaching Mastery
Mentorship Circle

Join the optimal growth container to accelerate your path to becoming a Master Coach and Facilitator with LIVE mentoring with Claire, our Senior Faculty and a group of committed peers to skyrocket the results you create for your clients & community.

You’ll gain access to everything in our 2023 Platinum program plus some additional elements designed especially for you as a graduate of our Coaching and Facilitation Tracks.

Deepen Your Mastery of the Core Skills Taught in the Complete Woman-Centered Coaching & Group Facilitation Training Program

(Value $20,000)

The fastest path to get to the next level of Mastery with your Woman-Centered Coaching and Group Facilitation Skills is to have a structure of ongoing practice and generative feedback from a group of peers who are at the same level as you, mentors who are more skilled than you, and clients who you are actively working with.

In the Coaching Mastery program, you’ll join a new practice group with women at your level and have a structure to attend monthly LIVE coaching demonstrations and debriefs with Claire, as well as Senior Faculty Clinics.

In your practice group, you’ll be able to continue to get the feedback and support you need to rapidly grow to your next levels of impact and success.

You’ll increase your ability to get stunning and tangible results with clients such as:

  • Developing deep self-love and generative power
  • Discovering and stepping into their purpose
  • Creating thriving relationships
  • Increasing their earning power
  • Transforming their health and self-care
  • Stepping into visibility, confidence and more…

You’ll get support to apply everything you discovered in the first year of your training and create multiple income streams whether you are weaving this training into your existing coaching practice or are starting from scratch. You’ll have everything you need to create a sustainable, scalable impactful business of results-driven, sought-after offerings in the following areas:

  • One-on-One Coaching and Group Coaching
  • Creating and Leading In-Person and Online Courses, Workshops, Women’s Circles, Retreats, Conferences, Masterminds, Certifications, and more
  • Building Powerful Teams

You’ll also have the option to apply for a professional certification credential if you haven’t yet already or a certificate of completion from the Institute.

There is nowhere else you can get the level of structured feedback and support you’ll continue to receive inside the growth container of the Coaching Mastery program! Feeling fully alive and excited to learn from everyone around you is a weekly occurrence inside our Woman-Centered LIVE Learning Suite…

You’ll get three levels of support:

1. Peer-to-Peer in your Elite Practice Group with other Coaching and Facilitation Graduates where you’ll learn how to self-assess your own skill development and receive high value, actionable feedback, as well as gain support and accountability throughout the program.

2. Deep-Dive Skills Practice Clinics & Workshops with Claire’s most senior faculty, where you’ll build your confidence and ability to get results with clients.

3. 9 LIVE Group Coaching & Facilitation Debriefs with Dr. Claire Zammit personally. These sessions are legendary in their potency and depth – participants say watching Claire coach and then having her break down each step has greatly accelerated their journey to mastery.

The skills that will differentiate you in the marketplace and enable you to create life-changing results with clients can only be developed in a collaborative learning structure with a group of true peers and powerful mentors.

The brilliant women you’ll connect with will motivate you, inspire your greatness, amplify your genius, raise your awareness and become lifelong thought partners and collaborators in your mission to empower women and change the world!

PLUS, you’ll also Get to Be Part of An Exclusive SUPERVISION group for seasoned Coaches and Facilitators with Claire and Senior Institute Faculty

8 LIVE 90-minute sessions (Including a minimum of 4 with Claire personally)

(Value $8,000)

During these sessions you’ll be able to ask questions and work through real life case studies that you and your peers in the program are experiencing in real time in your work in the world.

You’ll be able to get feedback and resources to navigate through whatever is coming up for you in your work with clients – we will workshop the challenges you’re encountering together!

Access the brain trust of other masters of the Woman-Centered Coaching Method as part of this regular, ongoing structure for the deepest practice applications for your woman centered work!

Accelerated Personal Power Breakthrough Coaching with Claire

(Value $30,000)

Get the support you need to Become a Powerful Creator in your own life with 9 LIVE Group Sessions with Claire focused on Money, Relationships, Health, Life-Purpose, Visibility & Confidence, and Impact.

As a high-impact changemaker who coaches women at the level of self actualization, your own personal breakthroughs are critical to your success and flourishing.

During these LIVE immersions, Claire will guide you to stunning breakthroughs in your own life in order to become a role model of Feminine Empowerment. You’ll get to witness Claire coaching women to breakthroughs in each of the key life areas – and you’ll have the opportunity to be personally coached by Claire!

The Woman-Centered Coaches’ Playbooks to Fast-Track Results

(Value $18,000)

With these playbooks in hand, your website can be filled with success stories like “After 10 years alone, I found the love of my life!” and “I literally tripled my income in a year!”

Informed by Claire’s 20+ years of research and road-tested with more than 50,000 clients, these “plays” will unlock the mindset shifts, new awarenesses and new actions that will fast-track concrete, tangible results that create an overwhelming demand for your work.

Examples of Winning Plays in the Coaches’ Playbook include:

  • The “Zone of Greatness” Life Purpose Formula
  • 3 Questions to Double or Triple Your Income
  • The 5-Minute Confidence Hack
  • The Visibility Shift
  • The Million Dollar Creativity Formula
  • The Self-Care 21-Day Roadmap
  • The Clarifying Your Vision for Love Process
  • Power Practices for Spiritual Renewal
  • The Relationship Reset Formula


Winning Course Creation 2-DAY Bootcamp

(Value $10,000)

Secrets of a $100 Million Dollar Educational Brand

Learn how to scale to multiple 6 and even 7 figures by creating high-value in person and online courses, programs, retreats, and more that get life-changing results for your participants and stand out in the marketplace.

In this 2-DAY, on-demand Bonus Bootcamp Training, Claire will guide you through the process of taking your idea and turning it into a winning course using the same method that she designed and used to create 15+ 7-figure programs.

She will guide you from concept ideation to finished product, marketing and successful launch and include principles for gamification, module design, and everything you need to know to deliver a life-changing experience that gets results and exceeds expectations.

With the principles and systems in this training, you can create a limitless number of winning courses for the rest of your career.
You’ll leave the boot camp feeling clear and confident about how to get huge results for participants and elevate the value you create, as well as your visibility in the marketplace.



The Coaching Mastery Mentorship Circle
Total Value $86,000+
2023 Platinum Tuition $24,000
Early Registration Pricing
Payment Plan Pay in Full
(Save $1,040)
$9,040 USD $8,000 USD

All it takes to secure your space in the program is to schedule an appointment with our Director of Admissions, Dianna Hanken by the Early Registration Deadline and you’ll be eligible to receive the bonus should you decide to move forward.

We are committed to providing the highest level of satisfaction on all of our programs, products and events. You can find our Terms & Conditions below.

Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions about this program, please email us at and we’ll be glad to assist you.

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